While I am at it...
Destruciton is an overpowered cleric spell.
It is a level 7 spell. Compare it with a similar Sorcerer/Wizard spell, Finger of Death.
Finger of Death kills (if not immune to death magic) on a failed fortitude saving throw, and inflicts a little damage on a successful save. 3d6 +1 per caster level which at level 13 is 3d6 +13 damage and 3d6 +20 at level 20.
Destruction is the same level and functions most in the same way. But, it inflicts 10d6 damage instead at level 13 and level 20.
10d6 averages to 35 with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 60. 3d6 +13 averages to 23,5 at level 13 and 30,5 at level 20. Maximum damage for the the first and last spells respectively are 60 vs. 31 at level 13, and 60 vs. 41 at level 20.
So, at level 13, the cleric version of "Finger of Death" inflicts about 50 % more damage than it's arcane counterpart at level 13. The difference is slowly reduced to about 15 % more at level 20.
Thus, Descrution is overpowered compared to it's arcane counterpart in an significant manner in early levels. Better scaling of the spell would solve the problem. Making it inflict 1d6 damage per 2 caster levels on a successful fortitude save would result in average damage of 21 at level 13 and 35 at level 20. More fair.
Casas wrote:Hamper movement needs a fixin' too. Currently does permanent speed decrease once you enter it. Should be speed decrease while you reside within it. Or a small duration after you've left.. one or two rounds.
Sounds needed and reasonable indeed.
T3hRedMage wrote:
Cloud Kill- Page 1
Making it a level 5 death spell would simply be too much. Circle of Death at level 6 could be like a small-radius full PvP Wail of the Banshee with a -4 to the save or something like that. But a level 5 fog death spell would be too much. It would be spammed to no end.
Instead, what it does for creatures of level 7 and higher could be tweaked to be in line for a PvP server. Every round a creature is in the cloud, it should succeed on a fortitude save or take 1d4 Constitution damage and be affected by a poisonous vapour inflicting 2d6 poison (vile) damage. A successful save should negate the Constitution damage and inflict 2d6 poison (vile) damage instead. Those immune to poison would not be affected by this spell.
Still, the area of effect is rather small. And thus, either the movement speed or the area should be tweaked. There are numerous ways of reducing the movement speed of many types of characters, and I therefore suggest increasing the radius a little instead of going for the overkill and adding yet another movement speed decrease spell.
T3hRedMage wrote:
Acid Fog- Page 1
This spell is currently weak for it's level. To make it interesting and not just another standard acid damage spell, make the conjured acid fog not allow for Spell Resistance. Also, increase the duration and radius slightly. Note there is no save for the acid damage, only the movement speed decrease.
With a movement speed decrease combined with acid damage without a save, this could actually be a dangerous spell if used right. Especially if stacked with other spells which hamper movement.
T3hRedMage wrote:
Incendiary Cloud- Page 1
Increase the radius and increase the damage dealt per round to 15d6 on impact and then 8d6 (perhaps 5d6?) per round. It is a level 8 spell and should be able to do some damage. Also it should add another effect, causing fire vulnerability. Those who fail an additional fortitude saving throw get their saving throws against fire reduced with -2 and their fire damage immunity reduced by 10 %. Only as long as they are inside the cloud and 1d2 rounds after they leave it. And the effects have to be non-comulative. Or something like that.
T3hRedMage wrote:
Stinking Cloud- Needs something..
Stinking Cload is a little weak because it is very quick to leave the cloud. Make it so creatures are dazed for 1d4 +1 rounds after they leave the cloud instead of a flat 1 round. Or make the radius a little bigger and the dazed effect last for 1d3 +1 rounds after you leave the cloud. Or something like that.