Vanilla AA Build

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Vanilla AA Build

Post by Casas »

Fighter AA Wiz YAWNZ (10/29/1)

Starting Stats:

14 STR
20 DEX
14 INT

Ending 36 DEX

1 Fighter
5 Fighter Feats: WFocus, Rapid, Finesse, Point Blank, Specialization
6 Wiz Feats: Blind Fighting
7 AA
16 AA Feats: Imp Crit, Toughness, Called Shot
17 Fighter
20 Fighter Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring (Won't trigger Aoo's in close combat with a bow now)
21 AA
39 AA Feats: EWFocus, ESFocus, GDex 1-8, Epic Prowess
40 Fighter Feats: ESpecialization

Saves: F22, W14, R33

Skills: 43 Disc, 43 Craft Ammo, 42 Hide, 42 Ms, 42 Listen, 5 Tumble (Cross), 8 Heal (Leftovers)

AC: 10, +1 Tumble, +5 Nat Ammy, + 20 DEX, + 7 Armor, + 4 Haste, 3 Hardies, +7 Deflection = 57 (Bow). 66 with +6 Tower Shield.

AB: 29 BAB + 20 DEX + 3 WF + 1 Prowess + 8 Bow + 19 Enchant Arrow = 80 AB. 92 with truestrike.

6 APR (Rapid + Haste)
Damage output Longbow: d8 + 19 Arrow + d12 elemental arrow + 6 Specialization + 5 Mighty (Pushing that with STR gear) = 50 maximized. 40 average.

One word comes to mind, vanilla. Spiffay AB though. I've tried spicer builds, such as RDD, Bard, AA. Ranger, AA, Wiz. Cleric, AA, Sorc. Nothing beat the vanilla flavor.
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Post by Xianio »

That depends. Replace monk with your fighter for 6 less damage and 3 less ab but you gain instead improved evasion and 30% bonus to movement speed along with some ac which you could have from wisdom bonus and +8 from tumble of course.
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Post by Rafael »

10 monk 1sorc 29 AA> That.
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Post by T3hRedMage »

* Still favors his 17 cleric/ 1 sorc/ 22 AA build. Zen/ Charisma. *
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Post by este »

depends on what you like and what the server offers/demands.

absolutely LOVE archers on PWs. despite the arrow lag but there are tricks to circumvent that.

my favorite builds are:
* the sneak archer: 19 rogue 2wiz 19 aa
gets only 16 or 17 bab BUT it functions as a fullfledged rogue (due to massive skill points) but it also is very nasty in combat due too the high sneak damage. and it can get edodge. if you push the dex to 30 by starting with 20 dex and using 2 dex feats asap you can even squeeze in 50% perma conceal. too bad the str drain on sneak rogue feat doesnt seem to work for ranged.

* 8paladin 2wiz 30aa: a bit of a strange one, mostly for use on very item rich PWs where you can max out 3-4 stats (dex, str, con and cha). the basic idea is getting enough str for power attack so you can use divine might for some cheesy divine damage on the bow. with 30 aa you can push for the full 10x +1dex feats so starting out with 17 or even 15 dex is not really a problem. if you start out as wiz you can circumvent having to do 11 wis for pally, because you won't use the spells anyway, just divine might.
-> note i used wiz. you might as well use sorc or bard if you don't care about the xp penalty. but the PW i use this on has very attractive subraces (elf with +6 str +8dex +4 con +4 cha and free bow focus/spec/impr crit) but with a 1/8 xp penalty AND they have a post40 system so i cannot have an xp penalty on top of 1/8 ecl.

the standard vanilla is nice too but just so... bland...
and the monk version lacks some ab and doesn't make up for it in damage imho. i prefer having sneak from rogue levels for that. and usually in very harsh action servers AC tends to matter very little once you get to the difficult areas. edodge and 50%conceal are much more valuable. for pvp the zippy monk version is nice tho.
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Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

rogue AA's are pretty nice
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