Its simple....

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Eternal War's Mortician (PU)
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Its simple....

Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

lvl 20 pure barb

race dwarf

18 str
12 dex
18 con
res is same.....

stay pure or ill kill u for disgracing the barbarian class!!!!!

2 handed or 1 handed is preference of DMG or slightly better AC (wich usually dont help much) and lower dmg...

i have 1 using Gsword and does decent dmg and crits 15-20 (not great but alright)

and one that is sheild/scimitar 12-20 crits ithink 36 AC atm (could be better) and does mediocre dmg but depends heavely on critting.
As The Palaces Burn....
The weak flee in terror.....

The paradox of power and peace will destroy itself.
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