Arena server for Neverwinter Nights at address 5121. This PvP server based on Good vs. Evil where players start at level 7 and max at 20. NO expansion paks required. eMail for an account.
heres a convo which i had with this girl called kaila she was raped when she was 14 and has a little girl thats how rough it is round where i live and for the past year i have bin trying to support her best i can and i think this convo speaks for it self.......
is it me or is she trying to hint somthing to me there?
and heres another picture of shaz she likes to send me pictures of herself lol
Chars: The Mad Axe King / The Dwarven Front Line (DFL) / The Dark King
Its a disappointment smile. She's smiling for the camera, but you can really see the smirk that she is thinking, "I'd be happier if a man was here with me."
Lmao, in that last picture? That's just a typical MySpace gloomy profile picture. I'm not going to smile beacuse the dark circles under my eyes makes the portrait more photogenic and artful. * mock mock *
She is hot though. I'd hit her in the face with a brick. By that, I mean, I'd wash my winkie in her kitchen sinkie..... and by that... I mean I'd hit her in the face with a brick.