Arena server for Neverwinter Nights at address 5121. This PvP server based on Good vs. Evil where players start at level 7 and max at 20. NO expansion paks required. eMail for an account.
What use is a new website if we're made to walk like such and such, talk like such and such, support such and such, etc. as long as we're members of it? An outrage, I tell you!
lol thats like saying we are no free men becausewe live in a world of laws lol the laws are there for a good reason just think of it as that and theres no such thing a freedom of speach these days...
Chars: The Mad Axe King / The Dwarven Front Line (DFL) / The Dark King
thats why i like proboards. it sotres nothing on your computer expect any files you used to make it look cooler. and even if it did, it would be TRM's PC, not yous ^_^