The Royal Pioneers

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The Royal Pioneers

Post by AntiChristMofo »

The Royal Pioneers

In the beginning was the word and the word was GOD, in the beginning was GOD, and all else was darkness, and void, and without form, so GOD created the heavens, and the earth. He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, so that light might pierce the darkness. The earth Divided between the, the sea, and the air, and he filled them with many creatures.

The dark, salty, and slimmy creatures the inhabited the murky depths of the oceans, GOD called Marines, and dressed them accordingly.

The flying creatures of the air, GOD called Paratroopers, and these he clothed in uniforms that were ruffled, and orab.

The creatures of the land, GOD called Soldiers, with a twinkle in his eye, and the sense of humour that only he could have, GOD created the Army Catering Coprs, and the Royal Corps of Transport. GOD gave them trousers too short, jackets that were too big, and pockets to warm their hands. He gave the cooks white uniforms, and hats, so they could spill their many meals onto.

To adore their uniforms, GOD gave them badges. cords, ribbons, and patches, he gave them emblems, crests, and all manner of bright, shiny things that glittered and bangled. When you're GOD, you tend to get carried away at times.

On the seventh day God rested, and on the eigth day at 0700hrs sharp, he looked down on the earth, and was not happy, GOD was definitely not happy.

So GOD thought about his labours, and in his infinite wisdom, he created a divine creature in his own image, and GOD called this creature, a Royal Pioneer. These Royal Pioneers were to be the back bone of the British Army, and he gave them many wonderfull things.

He gave them immense memeries in order to retian information, and knowledge. He gave them skills with weapons, explosives, and building that not other soldier had. He gave them a weird sense of humour, that only a Pioneer could understand, and finally he gave them many wonderfull uniforms.

He gave them practical fighting uniforms, so they could wage war against the dark forces of SATAN. He gave them smart uniforms for there daily work, and training, so that they maybe sharp, and always ready. He gave them dress uniforms, stylish things, so that they might promande with the ladies on a Saturday night, and impress their pants off.

And at the eigth day, GOD loked down on the earth and saw that it was good, but was he happy? No, GOD was still not happy, because in the course of his labours, he had fogotten one thing, GOD has not created an Assualt Pioneer Course. He thought about this, pondering over it for some time, and finaly satisfied himself, with the knowledge that not even GOD is good enough to become a Royal Pioneer...
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Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

are you bored or sumthin anti.....
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Post by Protoss119 »

How did you completely leave out Chuck Norris/Captain Falcon?
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Post by Terpeh »

Proudly messing things up since 1991.
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Post by Musekaze »

Torm, I think I might actually use that one.
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Post by AntiChristMofo »

lol yer sorry i was bored lol
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Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

figured as much lol so when's the return date again?? things are goin pretty decent on the server lately but w/o a powerful presence its kinda brutal.
As The Palaces Burn....
The weak flee in terror.....

The paradox of power and peace will destroy itself.
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