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Post by Terpeh »

For those who don't know what the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is I suggest reading this wiki page:

If you don't wish to read:

And here are the consequences if it should fail:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_of_ ... n_Collider

The LHC is a huge machine, most advance of our time, that collides particles travelling at near the speed of light together. The debris from the collision will either give us an idea of how the universe was after the big bang or create a black hole that would destroy the Earth. Yesterday (10th September) they carried out a test and apparently we survived it. Now they are going to officially try it out at full power on 21st October 2008 (7 fucking days before my b'day), so in about 1 month's time.

I suggest you google or youtube a bit, its interesting.

What do you think? Are the scientists gonna succeed (sp?) in playing God or are we gonna end up as black hole food?
Personally I think we're dead.
Proudly messing things up since 1991.

Post by A95 »

It's interesting, I doubt it will blow us all up, but it can make tiny black holes for a nanosecond.
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Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

were doomed...
As The Palaces Burn....
The weak flee in terror.....

The paradox of power and peace will destroy itself.
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