The History of Pandemonium--brief char build history.

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The History of Pandemonium--brief char build history.

Post by Musekaze »

well my first ever char for EW was a pure rouge names Ninja from the village hidden in the Smoke. He was a complete and utter failure as i only played EW when my fav RP server was down or full, adn EW rarely ever had any ppl on. My first succesful char though was Grey S.M.H.O.K.E. Shooting Many Heads of Killer Eternity. he made it to lvl 11 as a 7 rgr/4sin. There were also many otehr Chars in the Grey series, and all of their names were acronyms, usually based off tehri class, and i tried to incorporate an "H" in some how.

anyway in spring break of 2006 i made Pandemonium Archer, formerly harrased as "that archer with a blade" because i carried a longsword for close encounters, before i realized even the bow still worked fine. i got him to lvl 12 that week and was so happy, as i thought i would never i would get that high. Then came many more Failed Pandemoniums.

In Summer of 2006, i was inspired to make a halfing barb, Death Bringer, though STR based, used DEX gear for a while, for better AC and hit ratio. He succeded in teh higher levels and at about lvl 14 i went STR based again. he skyrocketed in levels over the couple of weeks of august. he was my fastest grwoing char. i got him form 1-17 in about 3 weeks, and he hit 19 in september. in mid November *i think* he hit 20. i was so happy i did a 3 day long streak run. i gave out prizes for killing the naked halfling imp. that prize was the reward of killing the naked midget. then came many mroe failed Pandemoniums.

My next good char was Pandemonium Sniper, a female halfling x-bower who didnt last 2 weeks, even though she worked well. she got half way to lvl 8.

Next was Pandemonium Crescent Reaper, the infamous STR rgr/sin/rge who crits 80. his record is 4 crits in a row. he also leveled very quickly and once he got haste, he ownt twice as much. but elves still eat him for supper. i hope to get him to lvl 20 one day. He was also followed by many more failed Pandemoniums. Including Bone crusher, Undead walker, and Dark Samurai

I then made Silencer. My first ever elf i seriously played at EW. a Scimmy WM that worked fairly well, thoguh i stopped playing with him when he hit lvl 8. once again, followed by failed pandemoniums.

I them made about 5 different Spine Snapper builds, that didnt work. then i though DEX based silly. She is currently lvl 12 an has 5 APR and a killer 33 AC. plus some killer saves. She owns all. and will own twice as much at lvl 20. especially wtih haste, hopefully the monk haste bug will be fixed by then.

I have thoguht of many good builds, but have never made any of them. they'd all take too long for me to level for my own good. they include

PM/DD-worthless until lvl 15 when they get their first DD level. either once gets killer ac at lvl 20.
STR based more dmg
DEX based mroe AC

as fast as a DM. literally. but has abosolutely terrible dmg. under 10 dmg, but then again, thats w/o the sneaks, so prolly as much dmg as swiss or so.

anyway thats my history.
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Post by Terpeh »

and what's next?
Proudly messing things up since 1991.
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Post by Musekaze »

you never know. ive been working on a DEX PM, a ftr based AA, and im trying to live 5 minutes without my ftr future DD dieing.

but finally some1 read this post!
Pandemonium--Back in black, baby!

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