Monk/ Fighter/ Rogue

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Monk/ Fighter/ Rogue

Post by T3hRedMage »

I was going to test an SD build, but I forgot to download the .hak first, so I had 190 000 XP to play with. I made this build, and although it wasn't supreme, it is very very nifty and awesome.

Race: Elf
Starting Class: Monk
Theme: A lot of attacks per round, called shot, crippling strike.

Starting Stats:
12 Strength
17 Dex
12 Con
10 Wis
14 Int
10 Char

Skills to put points in:

Discipline - You'll be up close and personal with some other big sneaks in KD wars. When using the imsk. kama's you'll find their +8 discipline to be very useful to add to your 24 natural.
Move Silently
Spot- Should be your main focus when detecting. Put on two ring of heavens, swap haste amulet with eagles amulet when detecting. Get a rod of true seeing and you can reach around 65-70 spot.
Disable Trap

Nice order to take levels:

Take 6 levels of monk first. This will allow you to wear haste and have decent monk speed, enough to out run people and some barbarians. Stack 10 on your tumble skill before you start taking your rogue. This is important because you'll get another attack per round, stun fist - weak DC, but can be useful and IMP KD.

Take 3 rogue levels. This will put you at level 9, ready for haste and 2d6 sneak attack.

Take all 3 fighter. This will give you a nice flow of feats in a row to build up your character around those critical levels.

Take 6 rogue. Stack up on your roguely skills, but leave enough to max out discipline on your next level.

Take 1 fighter- get your last feat and max discipline as you can.

Finish rogue and gain crippling strike.


1. Blooded - Mixed with Skill Focus Spot, Alertness and Elven Natural Ability, you'll get a +9 Spot on every d20 roll.
3. Ambi-dex
6. Weapon Finess
9. Two Weapon Fighting
10. Skill Focus- Spot
11. Imp Crit- Kama
12. Improved Two Weapon Fighting
15. Called Shot
18. Toughness
19. Weapon Focus Kama
20. Crippling Strike

You'll end up with around 29 maxed AB, without small ares pendant, duel weilding with 9 attacks per round. This build can destroy low AC strength builds, crippling sneaks so they are encumbered and call shot leg mages something silly. Enjoy.

Post by A95 »

I've made some of those builds before, it's funner when they are strength
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