Statue Map

This is where all Eternal War game suggestions should go.

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Statue Map

Post by Rary »

Bridge Conflict was slightly modified for bashing statues type of game.

Basically you bash the statue for extra points/XP. No penalties for killing anyone in their castle.

Starts at 100 XP per statue and goes to 250. Its based on team power. Overpowered teams will get DR on the statues. That DR will keep increasing if the team gets worse in power.

Vice versa for the underpowered team. Statues get vulnerabilities for being weak.

XP is based on how many players are on. Ranges from min-100 to max-250.

Kill XP is still in. Imp and effy kills get XP when in the castle battling.

Its working for me testing it, so if anyone is up for it. I'll get it up when I go on.

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Post by Heavy_Metal-2000 »

absolutely i really just want people to start playing on the server again. Epic arena servers blow a$$ last thing we need is the only good non epic one to go dead.
As The Palaces Burn....
The weak flee in terror.....

The paradox of power and peace will destroy itself.
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