Arena server for Neverwinter Nights at address 5121. This PvP server based on Good vs. Evil where players start at level 7 and max at 20. NO expansion paks required. eMail for an account.
Well actually Hermit could be a gnome 2 so I can imagine a build with a gnome but fact is ppl don't like using them, perhaps because they consider them only beeing used as mages
HALFLING PRIDE!? why do you think all my chars are halflings...wel its mainly bringing power to the midgets, but meh.
i despise gnomes. i just do. i also despise pallys. dont ask me why, i just do. i like casters, but i suck with them. but seriously who needs spell focus illusion!
and no, Seraphiel is Hermit, nad hermit is a halfling. gnomes have the weird shaped arms and have a v-shaped torso. thats how you can tell the difference. halflings are jsut scale sized humans.
Gnomes aren't used for a number of reasons.
1) They're ugly. The pics of them are ugly and their bodies are ugly
2) Anything a gnome would be good in another race is better at.
- Dwarves make better defensive casters, humans make better offensive ones.
- Dwarves make better str melees, halflings make better dex melees.
3) The racial bonuses suck. Illusion is the most useless school to focus (next to Divination).
There ya go. Half-elves are worse but hey gnomes also suck horribly.