Arena server for Neverwinter Nights at address 5121. This PvP server based on Good vs. Evil where players start at level 7 and max at 20. NO expansion paks required. eMail for an account.
Well, Gdispel vs a L7 should debuff them.. Only has to roll a 3, I did say I need more tests, but kinda gets annoying w/o a test partner that isn't being killed.
For such a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time.
Heh. Well I know it works to a point because it did for me. I just didn't test it enough to go with exactly what its doing. I did it with Kerrie on some 17 druid and 19 cleric and both was dispelling defenses. Sometimes I got nothing as well.
Plus when doing it on a Red Dragon or higher, no go, I never get it through. This might be because of their high level, not sure on that. I have to cast it at their feet for it to work, but that uses the custom script.
After using this on Drunken for awhile. I noticed that the Bioware default dispels GMW and keen as well as others. EW version doesn't dispel GMW or keen I believe.
Don't have dispel dispell weapon buffs. Back before the Avenger nerf, Holy Sword was the only dispell spell that dispelled 'everything.' Even Bard/Curse song!
In a roleplaying sense, it's completely possible for a dispell to disenchant weapon buffs such as keen, darkfire, GMW, but bleh. Dispell whores strip too much away already. Let the nerfed AB cleric keep his/her +3 warhammer with darkfire. Let him whack away at endure elements and stoneskin. Who's he/she hurting?
Ya, I'm thinking thats the only difference between the EW dispel and Bioware dispel. Bioware dispel dispels weapon buffs as well as bard song/curse. I can fix the bard song/curse from being dispelled though. I might be able to prevent weapon one, but I'd have to look into that possibility.
Bard song, curse can't be dispelled it's a song not a spell, you can only dispell the bard aura (That's a custom EWA bonus), Curse and taunt can be taken off by any restore spell.
The obvious answer Gee? The person he's wacking. But yes, I agree don't strip weapon buffs. Only people with that kind of power (strip) is mages and clerics anyway.
And my tests didn't show GMW being removed from any dispels.
For such a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time.