Here are a few facts that can come handy, if any are wrong please correct me:
1.) Always re-equip your Amulet of Ares whenever you die or log in, if you don't the the amulet's effects will not effect you.
2.) Don't cast Magic Missles at an enemy who has either Ghostly Visage or Shield.
3.) A possible reason why you are "ganged" (3 or more players come attack you at the same time) may be because your whole team is going out of base one at a times, going out together can solve this.
4.) When someone calls another player a noob it means that the one saying it sucks and doesn't know how to play.
5.) If you are annoyed by archers and/or corner sneakers, a few throwing axes or any other projectile can solve your problem.
6.) Don't ask for money, firstly it's stupid, and secondly you will get sent to jail.
7.) Spend your pride wisely, also note that the cost of pride items in the Pride Shop is the same as the ammount in gold for that item. But you need that same ammount of gold first to buy it. The gold will not be taken away.
8.) Note that to every left hand side of each base (opposite side to where you change teams) there is a scroll shop, most players don't even know about it.
9.) Show respect to earn respect.
10.) When changing teams, or logging in, you may find that an item is missing and you weren't given a refund, just walk around near your base's gates and you will get your money back. Then just rebuy the item.
11.) Don't cast Chain Lightning when your team-mates are in a line.
12.) Potions be yer frends, use 'em!
13.) A good solution to take care of running sneaks is to cast area of effect spells, carefull where you cast them.
14.) If you were killed as a cow (due to team-killing) re-equip all your items back at base, for some may not work.
15.) When chasing somebody who runs, try to think ahead and make your own path instead of just clicking on him/her and automaticaly following, Knockdown is great here.
16.) "Imp" means Impossible and "effy" means Effortless, you are not allowed to kill anybody with that rank when examined.
17.) Atleast examine players once in a while.
18.) Do not make characters with very long names (Example: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) or with no name at all (Example: ). Its stupid and your character can/may/will be deleted.
19.) Do not impersonate DMs, doing so will incurr their wrath.
20.) Regular visits to the forum can help you get up-to-date with projects and other kinds of material, even gossip.
21.) Read the journal, it helps.
22.) Don't swear, shows how immature you are.
23.) Try to control your temper, there is always another way around your problem.
24.) Getting a character with a higher level to prove something is dumb.
25.) If you are stuck, use the unstucker, any of them.
Feel free to add more if you like.